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Selasa, 10 Juni 2008

Labour Capacity Building: Make Labour Have More Pride

In the past, Indonesia claim as an agrarian country, but now, if we watch to our circle there are many factories have been stand. It’s show to us that Indonesia now not more as an agrarian country but has changed to an industrial country. The consequences as an industrial country there will many hopes from the people to get work at the factory, so there will many people become the labour.

So far the most labour livelihood just so simple, going to the factory in the morning, work at the factory for 8 hours or more and go home. In the night, some of them doing another activity, like, walking around, gather with their friend and other activity which not productive. Even many labours spend their time to take a sleep to collect their energy to work tomorrow. This habit always continues day by day, in the weekend or end of the month, they accept their wage and spend it for their necessaries.

This is the reflection livelihood of our labour, this is the happen in Indonesia, this is which make our employees were valued very cheap by another country and the finally, where is our pride as a great country. Will we let this happen for along time?

How to Change
This present many labour organization who says “in the name of labour”, had gather many labour to make movement to defend labour interest. There is much activity which has been done by these organizations, like discussion about labour problem, labour seminar, labour advocacy and the most radical is make demonstration to defend labour interest. Of course, beside all that activity, there is many more activity which useful for the labour. But, if we watch to all activities, most of that activity at the end will become “enemy” for the employer and even the government.

Isn’t there any solution for this situation? Must the labour organization become the “enemy” of employer and government? Must the labour give up to this condition? And many questions will show to us which interlaced with this situation. The answer for the entire question is “change”. Labour must want to change, labour habit must want to change and labour must brave to leave from the “comfortable zone”. And then will appear another question, “How we can to be change?”

There is many smart people spreading at all corner of this country, they have title bachelor, master, doctor even not a little have title professor. They might have thinking about this problem, but why their ideas never appear to solve this problem. Are they too afraid to speak or may be there is no added value for them.

The labour can make change their life by own hand, by build their capacity and capability. Many labours didn’t know that they can increase their self with many activities which more productive than usually they do. Of course, for the first, they must be lead by some people and than for the next they will be done by their self.

Capacity Building
What is capacity building? Capacity building is the activity or program which be done to increase society capability so that society will have another skill to make change their life. There is many kind of capacity building, like, internet continued training, selling by technology, sell your self program and more another activity.

Where is the budget to start this program? At the present many international organizational (UNDP, ILO, USAID, UNESCO, FAO), government, donor countries and other international organizational has concern to this program. They spend their budget as a donation or soft loan to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) or as international grant from government to government.

How the program will start? Certainly the labour still must hope there will be one or more CSOs, NGOs or another institution that have concern about labour capacity building. If there is be organization that concern about this program, the activity will be going on.

What the kind of capacity building which match with labour? There are many programs which match with labour. Let’s watch the livelihood background of labour, they doing the same thing every day without thinking how they can increase their brain so that they will be a little clever and cannot be provoked by some people who will use them.

For example I will provide one kind of labour capacity building. That is internet continued training (or what ever the name), in the global I will explain that this program has objective to make labour clever with facilitated by internet, this program will going on 1-2 year.

The program will begin from introducing how to use the computer because many labours didn’t know how to use the computer. After they familiar with the computer, the program will be continued with how to use the internet. The labour will learn how to use email, healthy browsing, healthy chatting, how to find information they need and more. At the end of the program, labour can increase their knowledge by more often come to the internet location.

The infrastructures of this program are permanent place, some unit computer, internet networking, chairs, desk and facilitator. After this program finish all the infrastructures (except facilitator of course) can be used by labour to be a telecenter or “Warung Internet (Warnet)” as an income unit for their community.

The final objectives of this program are, labour knowledge will increase, labour can protect their self from provoke another people, labour can defend their interest more smart than the other without must go to demonstration, labour can develop their self with find information pass the internet and the most important that between labour, employer and government can become friendly.

That is just one kind of labour capacity building, there is still much activity can be done which related with capacity building.

What is The Benefit?
Every social program will give some people benefit more than they expected. Like I was explaining before, that labour capacity building can bring a little brightness for the labour. With this program, labour would not be given fish but they would get fish-hook. They must work by their self to get what their want.

In this program labour will be forced to be clever with any facilitate which has been provided. After that labour can practice what they get from the training to their living. Of course this is can make them proud and have more pride.

This program can make more valuable for the employer because the company didn’t need spend their budget to increase skill of their employees and the company will not to worry about demonstration because their employees has know where is the best way to defend their interest.

And the last for the country this program will prove that this country is really the great country and we will pride about it. And I am very sure that the government will fully support to this program.